
07A21360 MJM Space saving triple hamper w/mesh bag (25.71 gal cap per bag) 2″ twin casters, zipper opening MJM brand 217-T

Original price was: $673.00.Current price is: $134.60.

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Product Details

MJM Space saving triple hamper w/mesh bag (25.71 gal cap per bag) 2″ twin casters, zipper opening

Part # 07A 21360
ProductSpecific Features:

  • Healthcare Grade, 
  • All Casters Are Reinforced, 
  • Zipper Front Opening Will Facilitate And Eliminate LiftingHeavy Loads, 
  • Floor Plate Will Support Retainer Bag, 
  • Marine Grade Wire
  • Frame Will Support Isolation Liners Or LeakproofBags, 
  • High Impact Plastic Lid With Handle.
  • All MJM’s Zipper Front Opening Hampers Help Prevent BackInjuries. 

• Over All Size: 62.5” L x 22.5” W x 38.5” H
• Gallon Capacity: Gallon Capacity: 25.71 – – (3) Gallons 77.13
• Deluxe Casters: 3” Twin
• Lid Size: 20” x 21.75″
MJM Hamper Lids COME STANDARD With RUBBER BUMPER PADS To EliminateBanging Noise When Lid Closes. No More Disturbing Annoying Noise ForPatients And Caregivers.
Clickhere to see the full upgrade and accessory line for these MJM products.
As one of the premier leaders in the PVC healthcare products, MJM hasbeen in the business of making PVC healthcare industry related productssince 1996 and we here at Medical Products Direct have been sellingtheir products since 2002.  Their products are not made fromstandard PVC, it is made from healthcare furniture grade PVC. It has thicker walls, a smooth glossy surface free from flaws, alledges on the fittings are smooth and rounded without any sharp cornersanywhere.  As stated we have been selling MJM products for 15years and we just don’t see warrantee issues, complaints or productfailures in their products.  In our opinion, MJM is the bestmade PVC healthcare product on the market and they stand behind theirwork if there ever is a problem.
Hospitals and facilities have been using PVC healthcare products foryears because they last!  The general public is starting tocatch on to this fact. PVC products will not deteriorate, rust orcorrode and they are easy to clean and sanitize.  We havecustomers that have been using the same MJM shower chair for 12+years.  While they seem to last forever, occasionally the wearitems such as casters, seat slings and safety belts will need to bereplaced but we carry a full line of affordable replacementparts.  Therefore, you do not have to replace the chair 5-6years from now when the seat finally wears out.  Just replacethe seat sling, or casters and you have a good as new chair. The PVC frame will last practically forever unless there is some sortof serious breakage or damage from abuse. MJM Operates Under FDACompliant Regulations.
MJM products are made to order due to all the available options andcolors it would be impossible to inventory all the possiblecombinations.  This means there is a 3-4 lead time before yourproduct ships and then another 1-6 business days travel time viaUPS/FedEx.  Shipments that must ship by freight truck due totheir size may take slightly longer.


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