
PolyMem Wound Care Dressing – 3 x 3″ non-adhesive

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  • Bacteriostatic properties
  • Feels like foam, maintains moist environment
  • PolyMem’s renowned wound healing agents
  • Wound cleanser and moisturizer


PolyMem Wound Care Dressing – 3 x 3″ non-adhesive

FerrisPolyMem, known worldwide as “The Pink Dressing,”provides a warm, moist, healing environment that promotesformation of granulation tissue and reepithelialization…and much more. PolyMem Dressings protect the wound as theyfacilitate the body’s natural healingprocess.

The model of common-sense dressing design
PolyMemDressings consist of a polyurethane membrane matrix on asemi-permeable thin-film backing. Unlike any otherdressing, the hydrophilic membrane contains acleanser, a moisturizer and a super-absorbent starchco-polymer. This unique design and patented formulationeliminates the need for manual debridement and cleaningduring dressing changes, reducing patient discomfort andthe time and cost of dressing changes. PolyMemfacilitates the healing process by promoting theconcentration of the body’s naturally produced growthfactors, nutrients and regenerated cells in the woundbed.

Here’s how PolyMem Works

The Semi-PermeableFilm Backingprovides a bacterial barrier whileallowing gas (O2 and CO2)exchange and maintaining an ideal moisture vapor transmission rate(MVTR). The transparent film backing allows visualinspection of the membrane to determine the need for adressing change.

The PolyurethaneMembrane Matrixwicks away up to ten timesit’s weight in exudate. It will not fragment and leaves noresidue in the wound bed. The membrane contains acleanser, moisturizer and super-absorbent starchco-polymer.

The F-68 Surfactantcontained in thedressing, is a mildwound cleansing agent activated by moisture and graduallyreleased into the wound bed. Interfacial tension betweenhealthy tissue and debris is reduced, loosening escharand necrotic tissue, supporting autolytic debridement andkeeping the wound bed clean throughout the entire woundhealing process.

TheGlycerin, a moisturizer contained inthe dressing, keeps the dressing from adhering to the woundbed, providing comfort at the wound site. Glycerin alsoreduces odor, conserves living fat cells, reduceshypergranulation, soothes traumatized tissues andsupports autolytic debridement.

The Super-AbsorbentStarch Co-Polymercontained in the dressing,draws, absorbs and holds excess fluids in the hydrophilicmembrane while allowing the body’s natural growth factorsand nutrients to concentrate at the wound site.

PolyMem Cloth-backed Adhesive Dressingsdeliver the advantages of PolyMem technology and the benefits of abreathable,adhesive-coated cloth backing that is exceptionally comfortable forthe user. PolyMem cloth-backed adhesive dressings are ideal fortreating ecchymosis and resolving skin tears caused by friction andshear.

PolyMem Directions for use:

  • FlRST POLYMEM DRESSING APPLICATI0N:Prepare the woundaccording to wound management protocol or as directed by aphysician. DO NOT CLEAN THE WOUND or flush with saline orwater FOR ALL OTHER DRESSING CHANGES.
  • Select a dressing so that the pink membrane is 1/4″ – 1/2″larger than the wound.
  • Apply the dressing film side out. DO NOTuse anymaterials to pack the wound while using PolyMem dressings.
  • DRAMATICincrease in wound fluid may be observedduringthe first few days.
  • Keep the PolyMem dressing DRYwhenbathing.
  • CHANGEdressing when pad is 75% saturated, orwhen woundfluid is present at an edge of the dressing.
  • DO NOT CLEAN THE WOUNDor flush with saline orwaterbetween dressing changes.
  • No other topical treatments should be used in conjunctionwith PolyMem.

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