
CAIRE Sprint and Stroller Portable Liquid Oxygen

Original price was: $1,499.00.Current price is: $299.80.

SKU: ML-LOX0014 Category: Tag:


Lightweight, sleek, liquid oxygen portables provide ambulatory oxygen therapy patients with a worry-free, and user-friendly system designed to fit easily with the contour of the body. The CAIRE Sprint and Stroller offer multiple configurations to meet the needs of the user and the provider. The lightweight 0.6 L CAIRE Sprint is ideal for ultimate portability. The larger 1.2 L CAIRE Stroller is larger for extended durations. Both portables provide continuous flow up to 6 LPM.

  • Curved design fits with the contour of the body for comfortable portability.
  • Easily carried by handle and worn by shoulder strap or optional backpack.
  • Lasts up to 8 hours at 2 LPM.
  • Easy filling operations.
  • No Electricity Required.
  • Sleek and modern design.
  • Easy-to-read contents indicator options.
  • Does not emit heat or noise.



  CAIRE Sprint CAIRE Stroller
LOX capacity 0.6 L 1.25 L
Gaseous equivalent capacity 513 L 1,025 L
Weight, empty 4.5 lb (2,04 kg) 5 lb (2,27 kg)
Weight, filled 6 lb (2,72 kg) 8 lb (3,63 kg)
Height 11.75” (298 mm) 13.5” (343 mm)
Typical use time at 2 LPM
demand mode
4.3 hrs 8 hrs
Normal evaporation rate 1.3 lb/day (0,57 kg/day) 1.3 lb/day (0,57 kg/day)
Standard* flow control range Off, .25, .5, .75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 Off, .25, .5, .75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6


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