
01A14473 Reacher, Standard 26″ Folding Reacher with Magnet Sammons brand 4108

Original price was: $71.00.Current price is: $21.30.

SKU: 01A14473 Category: Tag:


Product Details

Part # 01A 14473

Reacher, Standard 26″ Folding Reacher with Magnet

* High quality, durable aluminum is extremely lightweight.

* Shape of the serrated jaw and flexible foam rubber tip, which conformsto the contours of any object, work together to ensure a firm, secure grip.

* Hands remain comfortable on the ergonomically designed, trigger-actionhandle.

* Standard model is available in 26″ and 32″ lengths, or choose the 26″ foldingreacher for easy portability.

* Standard models feature a pulling lug that helps draw items toward theuser.

* All models have a magnetic tip to retrieve small metal objects. Jaws opento 3″ wide.


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